Field Guide on how to run User Testing for Legal Projects

Use this justice by design field guide to test your ideas in court.

We have a new Justice by Design Field Guide for court administrators, legal aid providers, and others working on access to justice. This is a short book to help you test out new ideas for justice innovations. The field guide is called “User Testing New Ideas in Court.”


This field guide grew out of a recent Justice by Design class on testing different prototypes to improve traffic court. From there, our Lab team has made a field guide as a short book that guides any lawyer, court administrator, or other innovator on how to run user testing of new ‘interventions’ with their target audience. We walk through how to recruit, schedule, and compensate user-testers — and how to have a team of relatively inexperienced people administer the user tests in a structured, data-rich way.

We presented the Short Book/Field Guide at our Teaching Team/Equity and Engagement presentation last week — and we’ll get it online soon for more people to use. We want to make it really easy for more courts, legal aid groups, and government agencies to talk to their community of users and stakeholders, and get their input on new ideas to improve services or develop technology.

Download our current User Testing field guide at this Google Slides presentation (download a pdf from there). Or explore it & download from the pdf embedded file below.


Hi Margaret! It sounds great, as always!
Is already available the short book among your materials?
Best, Rossana

This booklet would be a great resource for my students this spring. They will be developing a legal tech startup, using design thinking techniques. Any chance it will be available by January?

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